6 Test Taking Tactics for TOEIC Listening Success

1. Be prepared
You should make sure that you are well rested and mentally prepared when taking the TOEIC. You should have enough rest and eat a good breakfast on the day of the exam. Make sure you feel like you have given yourself enough time to prepare for the TOEIC. By feeling prepared you avoid that the stress will get the best of you on exam day. Wear comfortable clothes and we also recommend that you have a watch on you when taking the TOEIC.

2. Answer all the questions
Do not waste time overthinking a question, if you are unsure about the answer just guess. The same goes for finishing the exam, always answer the questions even if you have to guess the remaining questions. Ideally you should always try to leave a couple of minutes before turning the test in to review your answers. Those extra minutes allow you to check your answers and see if you missed a question. This also helps with double check everything.

3. Photographs
The first part of the TOEIC listening section asks you to look at pictures and choose a statement that is most closely related to the image. Focus on the image then ask yourself these three questions: who, why and where.

4. Question-Response
The second part of the TOEIC listening test is Question and Responses. The most crucial factor in this section is that you are focused when listening since you will only hear the statement once.

5. Conversations
The TOEIC conversation section requires you to listen to ten different regular conversations then answer questions based on these conversations. Be aware of traps, test-takers often lose concentration when the conversations are a little longer which makes you more vulnerable. Also, you should pay extra attention to details like dates and numbers.

6. Short Talks
Test-takers often think this is the hardest section of the TOEIC listening section due to speed of the recordings and talks. It’s easy to fall behind; however, you already know this and should be well prepared for it when taking the test. Just remember to pay close attention to the tone of the person speaking.

More about the TOEIC listening test.

Things to Think of when Studying for your English Language Proficiency Exam

Are you about to take an English language proficiency exam? Regardless if it is TOEFL, TOEIC or the IELTS test, the key to maximize your score is to prepare for the test efficiently and with a purpose.

You should have a clear schedule on what to study for and which specefic areas to focus on. By having a study schedule you avoid panicking the days before taking the test and cramming the night before your exam. We have all been there, the panic and anxiety the night before a big exam. Studying a little every day will help you avoid those feelins and prepare effectively without becoming overwhelmed with information (cramming).

There are cases when students actually don’t need to study for their English language proficiency exam. If you feel like you are fluent and could pass as a native speaker you might not need to study. However, we always recommend that every student should at least take a practice test before deciding to skip studying. By taking the practice test you will, 1. Know what level the language exam is and 2. Learn what the format of the test is.

Before you start preparing for your exam you should be aware of how much time you have available to study for the test. Different students need different amount of time to best prepare for their test. If you have good background knowledge of the English language we recommend you give yourself at least one month to study. If you feel a bit more insecure with your English language skills, you should give yourself at least two months of preparation time.

A key factor when studying for your exam is to know what your weaknesses and strengths are. Give yourself plenty of time to study on sections you are struggling with. By focusing on improving your weaknesses you’re exam score will increase noticeable.

When taking practice tests always analyze the questions you missed and review your mistakes. It’s easy to just read prep books and expect to be prepared for your test but remember that the best way to prepare for your exam is to take actual practice tests. By taking practice tests you will learn how to apply what you have learned.

Always keep yourself disciplined and on track with your studying. A good way to keep yourself on point is to have an outlined schedule that you check off every time a day of study session is complete. Always keep in mind of the big picture and end goal. Thinking about your goal helps you remember why it’s important to stick with your study schedule.

The Night Before the Exam

Many students panic the day before their exam and start cramming the night before. However, if you have followed a study plan and studied a little bit every day there is no need for panicking. Instead get a good night’s sleep, and have a healthy breakfast in the morning.

13 TOEIC Study Tips to Help you Practice for the TOEIC Test

People that succeed with TOEIC do two things very well: First, they identify what they need to improve before taking the test. Second, they put their focus on studying with a clear objective in mind.

For a full time working professional or people with kids, preparing for the TOEIC can be an inconvenience. Everybody has different schedules and time constraints however it’s imperative that when preparing for the TOEIC that you get some practice in everyday. Twenty minutes a day can be enough if you are organized and study with a purpose in mind. You ready? Let’s do this.

Before you start preparing for the TOEIC test you need to figure out what you should focus on. Do you need to focus on your general English comprehension or TOEIC test taking skills? If you already have decent English knowledge your focus should be on the test. If you are struggling with understanding and communicating in English maybe your focus should be on improving your basic knowledge of English.

Consider the time frame and the amount of time you can dedicate to studying for the test. To really improve your test taking skills you will need at least one month of preparation before taking the test. If you would like to improve your overall English language comprehension you will have to plan to study at least a few months before taking the test.

Take practice tests so you know what section you should concentrate your time on. Maybe you’re good at reading comprehension but not as well at listening comprehension. By improving your weaknesses you will utilize your study time as well see an improvement in your TOEIC score.

Students often read a TOEIC preparation book and expect to be ready for the test however it’s useless if you don’t actually practice what the book is teaching. You learn by applying what you have read with practice tests and exercises. Review your mistakes and analyze why you missed the question. By practicing and correcting your mistakes you will improve at a rapid pace.

Have a clear schedule and structure in place. Keep yourself on track and apply different small goals to reach when studying. Keep your eyes on the prize, which is a great TOEIC score!

TOEIC Practice Tips
Reading Comprehension
Read passages and write down unfamiliar words.
Take practice tests for the TOEIC reading section
Review your practice test and analyze the questions you answered incorrectly

Answer a few TOEIC speaking questions on your phone
Listen to your speaking answers and take notes on your strengths and weaknesses
Listen to a short speech by a native speaker, try to mirror his speech and compare your speech with the original

Write a short essay on a topic you are interested in or join a forum that discusses something you are interested in
Write an essay based on TOEIC question
Write a short essay based on a speech from YouTube

Listening Comprehension
Watch a movies/ TV shows in English and review it
Do practice tests for the TOEIC listening section
Listen to songs while reading the lyrics
Listen to a speech on YouTube and take notes of the speech, write down unfamiliar words.

These are a few easy way’s you can study for the TOEIC test.

However keep in mind that the best way to practice for the TOEIC is to actually take practice tests and exercises that are based on the TOEIC test.

5 Tips on How to Maintain Your Concentration during Your Exam

Taking a standardized exam can be mentally exhausting. Going into to a big exam with the feeling of being unprepared only adds to the stress. A crucial component on staying focused throughout your exam is to be prepared and know what to expect from the test.

By being familiar with your exam you can focus your attention on what to answer rather than thinking about distractions. Make sure that you start studying months in advanced rather than days prior.

Be aware of the timeframe of your exam, how long the different sections are and when you can expect a break. Make sure that you take a few practice tests before taking your actual exam with the same time constraints as the official exam. This will help your concentration ability and get your mind prepared when it comes time to take the real test.

Get plenty of rest and sleep the night before taking your exam. Prepare your mind like you would prepare your body before an athletic event. Have a good breakfast and make sure you are hydrated. Coffee is my beverage of choice before taking a long exam.

Also, make sure that you visit the restroom before your exam begins! Walking out to visit the restroom in the middle of your exam will only add stress to your situation and distract you from your performance.

When you walk into the exam room your main focus should be solely on answering the question at hand. Always focus on the question you are working on, don’t worry about what comes next or other distractions. If you are thrown off by a question and are unable to answer it simply move on to the next question.

The key component to being able to maintain your concentration during your exam is to be prepared. To view some practice questions and to learn more about the structure of your exam check out our test preparation packages at ePrepz.

The Difference Between the TOEFL and TOEIC Test

We often get the question, what the difference between the TOEIC test and TOEFL test are. Today’s post is going to give you an overview of the difference between the two exams but also the similarities.

Both the TOEIC and TOEFL test are English language proficiency exams that test your ability to communicate in English. Both tests are administered by ETS. The exams are standardized and the same level no matter where in the world you’re taking your test.

TOEFL stand for Test of English as a foreign language. Students usually take the TOEFL to get accepted to universities or colleges in North America that requires English language proficiency.

TOEIC stand for Test of English for International Communication. The TOEIC test is often required by businesses and organizations that are searching for candidates that are proficient in English. A good score on the TOEIC proves that you can communicate in English in a workplace environment.

Comparing the TOEIC and TOEFL
The TOEIC and TOEFL test serve different purposes, while the TOEFL is for getting admitted to universities, the TOEIC is for professional purposes. This becomes apparent when it comes to the test content; the TOEFL provides content that you normally would see in a classroom while the TOEIC exam focuses on English in a workplace environment.

The TOEFL also tests a wider range of skills than the TOEIC. The TOEFL test includes four different sections (reading, listening, speaking and writing). The TOEFL score are based on a scale of 0 to 120.

The TOEIC test is organized a little bit differently. There is a TOEIC Listening & Reading test and a TOEIC Speaking & Writing test. The score for the reading and listening test scale from 5 to 495 points for each section. The total score adds up to a scale from 10 to 990 points While the speaking and writing test has a score range between 0-200.

To learn more about the TOEFL IBT test format click here. If you would like to learn tips on how to study and improve your TOEIC score click here.