TOEFL Listening Tips & Tactics

The TOEFL listening section includes up to six lectures, the lectures are followed up with six questions based on the lectures. The listening section also includes two or three listening conversations. The time for the listening part of the TOEFL is either 60 or 90 minutes long.

So what type of lectures and conversations can you expect from the TOEFL? Since the test is based on academic English you will mostly hear lectures and conversation between students and teachers.

The speakers in the listening section will simulate real lectures and conversations, this means that the speakers will occasionally make mistakes, pause or change topics. Like previously stated, the key is to stay on track during the lecture or conversation so that you may take good notes.

The questions between the listening comprehension and reading comprehension are very similar. Before starting the lecture or conversation you will be given hints on what the topic will cover. This will give you some time to prepare on what type of questions to expect.

Lectures: This is when a professor gives a lecture to a class. It will either be a straight 5 minutes lecture without interruptions or with students asking interrupting to ask questions. The lectures will be followed by six questions.

Conversations: In this part you will be listening to conversations between students and teachers or others within a university. The conversations lasts around three to five minutes and are followed by five questions.

Lectures are usually longer than conversations; you need to be more aware of details when listening to a lecture. The lectures also tend to cover more topics while the conversations are usually straight to the point.

Here are some tips for the TOEFL listening section.

1. If you feel lost during a lecture, don’t panic, the professor will often give examples to clarify what they are trying to teach.

2. Take good notes when listening to a lecture.

3. Be aware of the organizational structure of the lecture

4. Keep your notes short and to the point.

5. Listen to a couple lectures online when preparing for the test.

That’s it for our overview on the TOEFL listening section, for more TOEFL tips and tactics sign up with ePrepz! We wish you best of luck on the TOEFL test!

What to Expect from the TOEIC Speaking Test

The TOEIC speaking section includes 11 different questions and you will have around 20 minutes to complete the section. The score scale is 0 to 200. The key factors in this section are to speak clearly and answer each question.

Let’s take a look at the type of questions you will see when taking the TOEIC speaking section.

The first two questions will ask you to read a text out loud based on the text you will be provided on your computer screen. You will have 45 seconds to complete the reading.

Tip: Calmly read the text you are given, do not rush when reading the text. It’s a good idea to prepare reading out loud and record yourself before taking the exam.

Third question will ask you to describe an image; you will have 45 seconds to complete your speech.

Tip: You will be given 30 seconds to prepare your response, make sure you study the image during this time and look for key details.

Fourth, fifth and sixth question will ask you to respond to different questions You are given 15 seconds to complete the first and second question and 30 seconds for the remaining question.

Tip: You will not have any preparation time for these questions so speak without hesitation on whatever comes to your mind regarding the question. Remember there is no right or wrong answer, what matters is how well you are able to answer the questions.

Question seven, eight and nine will ask you to respond to questions using information provided from the test. You will be given 30 seconds to look over the information before answering the questions. The time limit to answer is 30 seconds for question 7 and 8. The last question (9) will have a time limit of 30 seconds.

Tip: The key to these questions is to back up any statements you make with the information has been provided

Question ten will ask you to propose a solution to a problem. You will be given 60 seconds to share your solution.

Tip: Make sure you show that you have recognized the problem and keep your solution simple enough that you can share it within the time frame

The last question (11) will ask you to give your opinion on a topic. You will be given 60 seconds to share your opinion.
Tip: There is no right or wrong answer, just make sure you that you provide your reasoning for your opinion.

That covers the TOEIC speaking test, we hope our guide has helped you feel more familiar on what to expect from the TOEIC speaking section.

We wish you best of luck on your TOEIC exam!

IELTS Reading Test Overview

The IELTS reading section is a 60 minutes long reading comprehension test. You will be given 3 different texts and 40 questions to complete.

Let's go over some tips for the IELTS reading section.

Make sure you take several reading practice tests before taking the real exam. The key factor with these practice tests is that they are timed, so you will get an idea of how much time you are given when taking the exam.

Any reading in English will help you prepare for the reading section of the IELTS exam. Choose to read the newspapers, magazines or any book you might enjoy.

Each text within the reading section will have a time limit of 20 minutes; this includes your time for reading the text and answering all the questions.

If you haven't finished one section after 17-18 minutes, remember to make an intelligent guess at the remaining questions and move on to the next section.

Another quick tip is to read the question before you begin to read the text. This will give you an idea on what to look for before reading the text.

You will face 9 types of questions on the IELTS reading section. The following question types are part of the IELTS reading section:

• Multiple choice questions
• Completing sentences
• Writing short answers
• Matching headings to paragraphs
• Completing tables, charts or diagrams
• Matching causes and effects
• Completing a summary
• Choosing factors
• Identifying the writer's view

Make sure you are familiar with these types of questions before taking the IELTS.

That's it for today and we wish you best of luck on your IELTS exam!

TOEFL Writing Tips & Tactics

Today we are going to discuss the writing section of the TOEFL test and share some tips and tactics that might be useful when taking the exam.

The TOEFL writing section will ask you to write two essays, the first one is a summary of a lecture and article (integrated section). The other one is a more open-ended question (independent section) where you will share your opinion. Let’s dive deeper into the independent section.

TOEFL Independent Section
You should share something personal on the TOEFL independent section, for example a common question is: “Some people prefer to live in places that have the same weather or climate all year long. Others like to live in areas where the weather changes several times a year. Which do you prefer?” Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

This is a perfect question where you can share your personal experiences as an answer. You may live in a country where it’s mostly cold for most of the year and for that reason you might want to live in a country where the climate is constantly changing.

There are also writing questions where it’s better to write about knowledge you have about the topic rather than personal experiences. For example questions like, “Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Airplanes have made the world a better place to live.” Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

This is a perfect topic to write about pros (faster travel time) and cons (pollution). First thing you want to write down is your position on the question. After discussing the positive and negative affects of airplanes, finish the text up with a conclusion.

Tips on How to improve your TOEFL writing skills
A key component to improving your writing skills is having a good vocabulary. A great way to improve your vocabulary is to learn new words through flash cards. Other ways to improve your writing is obviously to practice writing essays and articles. The important thing after writing your practice essay is to seek feedback from someone else so you know which areas are good and which requires improvement.

Another way to improve your writing is to actually read articles in English. Write down words you don’t know and look it up in the dictionary.

These are few TOEFL writing tips and tactics that will help you be better prepared for exam. We wish you the best of luck on your TOEFL exam!

Practice Tips for the TOEIC Reading Section

A common challenge with the TOEIC reading section is running out of time. Doing a couple of timed practice tests before the exam will help with this problem. The reading practice tests will give you an idea on how long it will take to skim and scan specific information.

A common strategy for the TOEIC reading section is to: start with skimming, read the question and then scan for the answer of the question.Skimming is used when we want to understand the main idea of a text., you quickly look through the text and gather key information. Scanning is used when we need to find a particular piece of information.

Make sure to read the questions carefully before you start reading the text. It’s important to have a clear strategy on how to tackle those questions. By taking the practice tests beforehand you will be able to develop a strategy you are comfortably with.

When taking a practice test make sure that you are completely focused on the task at hand. Turn off TV’s, music or other distractions. It’s important that you practice as realistic as possible. When answering multiple choice questions you will be given four possible answers. Three of them may seem likely; one answer may even be deliberately confusing, so make sure you read the sentence or question carefully.

Being that the TOEIC exam is focused on English for a professional environment reading Business newspapers in English can improve your reading comprehension significantly before taking the TOEIC. It won’t happen over night but every month you should see some progress in your ability to understand the text.

These are few TOEIC reading tips that can help you succeed on the TOEIC reading section. Best of luck on the test!