TOEIC Reading Strategy and Tactics

Today we are going to take a look at the TOEIC reading test and share some strategies that might be useful to you when taking the TOEIC Reading & Listening test.

The TOEIC reading test includes different types of questions. You can expect to see questions about the main idea of the text and questions about specific details in the text. The specific question style is often in the form of who, what, and why. Another type of question you are likely to see are inference questions. Inference questions requires you to make certain conclusions based on information from the text.

If you are having trouble finding the right answer remember that you can look for the 3 wrong answers instead. By using the process of elimination—that is, by removing the wrong answers and choosing between the remaining options.

It’s really helpful to do some practice tests before taking the real TOEIC test. By taking practice tests you will develop your own style that works best for you naturally.

Avoid spending too much time on one question, make your best guess and you can always return to the questions at the end if you have extra time left. Finishing the TOEIC reading section in the right amount of time is a learned skill, so practice it by timing yourself when studying.

There are two ways to prepare for the TOEIC reading section. First, find practice TOEIC reading passages with questions, and simulate the reading portion of the test. You can also practice through general English reading articles, without questions, which will improve your English comprehension level in general.

A common TOEIC reading strategy is to read the question before reading the text. So you would read the first question and then begin reading the passage only to stop when you have found the answer to the question. That means reading the first question, and then read the passage but stopping when you’ve reached the answer to the question. If you feel comfortable in your reading ability this strategy will save you time in the long run. However, this is a strategy that needs to be prepared and practiced before using it on the TOEIC.

Avoid rushing when taking the TOEIC, if you are stressed you are more likely to make casual mistakes. If you face unfamiliar words do not panic, you can usually figure out the meaning of the word by reading the sentence or looking at the surrounding paragraph. Avoid getting stuck on a single word or small details. Focus on the main idea of the sentence, paragraph, and text.